
Channel Fields

Channel URL

This is where you add your YouTube/Twitch/Kick channel URL.

Eg. YouTube: Eg. Twitch: Eg. Kick:

Channel Status

The channel status is what defines if the bot either sends or not notifications.

If the status is Running the bot will send notifications for that channel, if it's Paused, the bot will not send notifications.

Discord Channel

This is where the bot will send the notifications.

Ping Role

This is the role to ping when a new notification is sent.

Here's an example of what a ping role looks like on a notification:

Custom Webhook

This is a Premium feature.

Don't know what a webhook is? Learn more here.

This is where you either enable or disable the custom webhook of a channel.

When the custom webhook is enabled, the Edit Webhook symbol shows up:

Custom Embed

This is a Premium feature.

Don't know what an embed is? Learn more here.

This is where you choose which embed the notifications will use.

The list of embeds comes from the Custom Embeds section, where you can create unlimited custom embeds (if the server has Premium enabled).

Content Type Filter

This field is only available on YouTube.

This is where you choose which types of notifications you want to receive from a specific channel.

Video Message

This field is only available on YouTube.

This is where you customize the message for video notifications.

The following tags are available in this field:

TagDescriptionEg. Result


The channel's name

The Dodo


The video's URL


The selected ping role (if available)


Here's an example of what a video message looks like on a notification:

Live Message

This is where you customize the message for livestream notifications.

The following tags are available in this field:

TagDescriptionEg. Result


The streamer's name



The stream's URL


The selected ping role (if available)


Here's an example of what a live message looks like on a notification:

This applies to both YouTube, Twitch and Kick.

Last updated